Catálogo Bibliográfico

Mostrando 1-10 de 10 resultados, ordenados por
1. Topical issues in nuclear safety : proceedings of an International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Safety / organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna,3-6 September 2001. 2002 Libro
OIEA P.S. 2001-1
2. Nuclear fuel quality assurance : proceedings of a seminar on nuclear fuel quality assurance / held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Oslo, 24-27 May 1976. 1976 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1976-4
3. Fuel and fuel elements for fast reactors ; proceedings of a Symposium .. / held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Brussels, 2-6 July 1973. 1974 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1973-1
4. Behaviour and chemical state of irradiated ceramic fuels ; proceedings. 1974 Libro
OIEA PANEL 621.039.54 1972
5. Irradiation facilities for research reactors. : Proceedings of the Symposium ... organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Teheran, 6-10 November 1972. 1973 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1972-3
6. Irradiation facilities for research reactors. : Proceedings of the Symposium ... organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Teheran, 6-10 November 1972. 1973 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1972-7
7. Reactor burn-up physics / proceedings of a Panel on Reactor Burn-up Physics organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency held in Vienna, 12-16 July 1971. 1973 Libro
OIEA PANEL 621.039.51 1971
8. Sodium-cooled fast reactor engineering. : Proceedings of a symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Monaco, 23-27 March 1970. 1970 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1970-2
9. Heavy-water power reactors / Proceedings of the Symposium on Heavy-Water Power Reactors held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, 11-15 September, 1967. 1968 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1967-3
10. Economics of nuclear fuels. : Proceedings of the symposium ... held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in Gottwaldov, 27-31 May 1968. 1968 Libro
OIEA P.S. 1968-1

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